Wednesday 2 June 2010

Upcoming Big Rendering

i have started a big comparison of open source rendering options. hope to be finished by the end of the week.

here are some of the first results results,
Direct lighting, ambit, ray-tracing, ray depth 10-20 max supported!
Luxray 7.0rc2 730s
Blender 2.49b 970.23s
Blender 2.5 render 262.19s
Blender 2.5 508.69s
Yafaray 0.1.1 3.766s

in this case Yafaray was the clear winner!
see renders:
(click to enlarge)

am doing more ray-tracing tests along with strands, volumetrics (were supported ect)

Ps. the Luxrender render was stooped by me when i deemed it crisp and thus to the same fine quality as the other renders.
I am also testing SmallluxGPU the demonstration version of what GPU accelerated Luxrender could end up as, this runs nice and fast on my macbook pro, with 4 threads 2 for cpu and 2 for gpu.

Edit:here is a hi resolution version of the above image


  1. Hello, could you share the exporter for Blender 2.55 to Yafaray for MacOS or crossplatform. I can't find it.

  2. there are a few exportes in the making, but in this case since the mesh does not need any 2.55 featurs i just opend the file in 2.49 to do the export. i have got a yafary exporter for 2.55 but it has almost no matrial properties ect. (still very eirly on in devlopment) so i tend to use the exparter from 2.49b for know.
